Your Hosts:
Your Captain, Alan Goins, has lived in
Alaska since 1970. He grew up commercial fishing and sport fishing in Cook
Inlet waters with his dad. He has been operating a charter boat in the Cook
Inlet since 1991.
Your Host, Maria Goins, is a lifelong
Alaskan. Born in Kenai and raised in Soldotna, Alaska. Together she and
Alan have three children who love to fish also. Brianna, Scott, & Alanna.
We run a small family owned business where people come as clients and leave
as lifelong friends. Over the years, word of mouth has proven to be our
best advertising.
The Boat:
The boat, the Greatlander, is a 28 foot
Koffler boat powered by two new 2018 Suzuki 250 hp motors. We use state of
the art equipment including Penn International Reels. We can’t give away
too many secrets so you will have to come see for yourself. |